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How High to Tee a Golf Ball for Irons

Tee Height for Iron Shots

Tee Height for Iron Shots

During most rounds, you will hit at least three or four iron shots from the tee, depending on the length of the par threes. Additionally, you may choose to use a long iron off the tee from time to time on a par four in order to position your ball safely in the fairway. Since hitting irons off the tee is a regular occurrence, it is important that you can accurately tee your ball at the right height over and over again.

By far the most common mistake made by amateur golfers when it comes to tee height is teeing the ball up too high when hitting an iron shot. Your irons are designed to hit the ball off of the turf, so teeing the ball high is only going to serve to move the ball above the level of the sweet spot. The result is predictable – you make a good swing and the ball feels good coming off the face. When you look up, however, the ball comes down well short of the target. This is the inevitable outcome when you hit the ball too high on the face. The same thing will frequently happen when hitting a shot from the rough where the ball is sitting up off the ground.

To make solid contact with your iron shots while playing them from a tee, you want to push the tee almost all the way into the ground. Basically, the only advantage the tee is going to give you in this case is to make sure you have a perfect lie. If you can see any air between the ball and the ground, you have teed it up too high. Keep pushing the ball down until you can barely tell that there is a tee under the ball at all – that is the perfect height for an iron shot. When you tee the ball almost even with the turf, you put the ball down right in line with the sweet spot on your irons.

Like your hybrids, you also shouldn't be messing with the tee height that you use for your iron shots. Each shot should be played from a very low tee height, enabling you to swing down through the ball aggressively, just like you would from the fairway. The goal is to not have to alter your swing at all between fairway and tee iron shots – you should be using the same mechanics each and every time you pull an iron from your bag.

Remember, the tee is only going to slightly help you when it comes to hitting iron shots. While you will have a good lie each time you play an iron from the tee, you still need to make a quality swing in order to send the ball accurately toward the target. Some players make the mistake of thinking that hitting their irons off a tee instead of from the fairway will be dramatically easier – that simply isn't true. Every shot on the course requires your full attention and effort, whether there is a tee under the ball or not.

There are likely a number of reasons why you fell in love with the game of golf originally. Being outside in the fresh air on the beautiful green grass, spending time with your friends, challenging yourself, getting exercise, the fun of competition, and more all play a role in creating passion for this great game. Working on your tee height, however, likely doesn't register anywhere on that list. To be sure, this is not one of the most exciting aspects of being a golfer. However, it is an important element to consider if you want to elevate your game to another level. The best players are never above looking at even the smallest of details in order to lower their scores. Take a few moments during your next practice session to work on your tee height and you should notice the benefits almost immediately.

How High to Tee a Golf Ball for Irons
